Tornado, Emergency Kit, BlizzardNo one likes emergencies or natural disasters, but we all know they are a part of life and we need to be ready for them. For people with disabilities and those experiencing the effects of aging, planning ahead for such events is crucial in securing a positive outcome. Did you know that being ready is an individual responsibility? It is, and to help you or someone you care about get ready, IPAT has developed a guide which focuses on the unique needs of people with disabilities when preparing for catastrophic events.

Page through this Emergency Preparedness guide to begin your preparations, or to fine-tune the preparations you may already have in place. Some things to consider if you are person with special needs may include – a list of your assistive technology devices and how they operate,  a time-table for medication and dosages, and/or service animal identification, food supply and vaccination records. Take the time now to get your emergency preparations ready so when a raging blizzard, a lengthy power outage, or an act of terrorism occur they are manageable and survivable.


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