CapTel 2400i
CapTel telephones are, at many times, a wonderful solution for people with hearing loss. For those not familiar with CapTel, these phones work the same as any other telephone, but they display the words the caller is saying. CapTel has four different models: 840, 840i, 880i, and 2400i . . . . and the focus of this blog is the innovative CapTel 2400i!
The 2400i is a touchscreen captioned telephone that provides all of the great features of the other CapTel models and much more. The requirements for the 2400i are highspeed internet and, of course, telephone service and standard electrical power. The internet access may be in the form of WiFi or Ethernet cable, which allows for easy access captions and software updates. Besides the touchscreen, some prominent features of the 2400i include an answering machine that records voice AND captions of messages, up to 40 decibels of amplification, programmable phone book for 95+ contacts, Caller-ID, and Bluetooth compatible for various devices such as headphones. The following video exemplifies all these wonderful facets of the CapTel 2400i.
Checkout the Sprint Relay and North Dakota Relay websites for more information. Contact IPAT today to schedule a demonstration of a CapTel and find our how to get one in your home!
CapTel 2400i: Overview