If you are old enough to remember the cartoon, the Jetsons, a comical version of a century in the future, you will realize that many of the devices they had have come to fruition:  videophones, robotic assistance like the Roomba and jetpacks.  One thing the Jetsons didn’t have to consider was home modifications for people with physical challenges.  I want to share with you some of the interesting home modifications that are in our future.

A home modification can refer to a range of changes and alterations that make a home more livable for the elderly or individuals with physical challenges.

When I think of home modification, what comes to mind is: installing grab bars in the bathroom, adding a walk-in-tub or shower, widening a doorway to allow ample space for walkers and wheelchairs or adding a ramp for wheelchair access.  However; in a presentation by Scott Bernstein of GoUniversal, a local Aging-in-Place Universal Design Accessibility company, I learned about some exciting up-and-coming advancements in technology for innovative accessible kitchens, bathrooms and closets.  Granberg Interior AB, a company based out of Sweden has been manufacturing lifting systems for kitchens and bathrooms and has made height adjustable fittings since 1960.

This product has been used in Europe for years, but they are seeking approval through the United Laboratories (UL) process. Once approved, it will be available in the US market.

  • What I like about this product is how it accommodates everyone in the household and creates independence for all.
  • What I don’t know is what the price tag is to purchase these products and their affordability.

I’m looking forward to seeing these products in US homes and independent and senior living facilities, once approved.

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