Recently an individual contacted IPAT in search of some assistive technology (AT) to help with medication management. She was looking for a watch or portable timer that could be set to countdown for a certain increment of time.  She also wanted a vibration option so when the timer went off, not everyone around her would hear it or be distracted.  What she found in her search, before contacting IPAT, was a lot of watches that had an alarm that could be set to a specific hour of the day.  The options she found would not work, because she had to take her medication every so many hours and not at a certain time of the day.  After reaching out to IPAT for help, we were able to provide her with the following options for her medication management.

Time Timer Watch Plus

This watch has 3 modes: clock, alarm, and timer.  A user can choose the standard 60 minute timer or customize their own and can set one alarm.  There is the option to have an audible or vibration alert.  Watch the video below to see how it works.


VibraLITE 2

vibralite2 watch







This watch features a countdown timer and vibration alerts.  There are also two alarms the user can set.

Klip! Vibe Mobile Timer

Klip Vibe Mobile Timer







This portable timer allows a user to have audible or vibration alerts for the two countdown timers.  In addition to the timers, it features a stopwatch and clock.  It includes a belt clip or fridge magnet so it can be used in the home or on the go.

If you, or someone you know, could use help with medication management contact IPAT today!

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