The Pedaling for Possibilities (P4P) stationary bike race for 2014 is in the books! The money has been raised, and deadlines of March 1st, July 1st and November 1st are set for P4P funding applicants to submit applications for the purchase assistive technology (AT) devices and services.

We anticipate the funding requests to exceed the dollars available, so to help you put your best application forward, IPAT offers the following suggestions:

  1. When giving a bit on your background, naming your condition is important, as is how it limits your abilities, but what the review team really needs is a description of what is not working for you that the AT requested will address;
  2. When describing how you determined that the AT requested is right for your needs, note who helped you make that determination, how it was made and if you had an opportunity for trial-use;
  3. When talking about how it will make your life different, go back to your initial background statement and tell the reviewers what the AT will allow you to do, how it will impact your life, how it might change things for your family and friends. Will you be more independent, will it help you reach a long term goal, or will it reconnect you to the world and others? Be specific;
  4. When discussing your funding history, identify where you have sought funding, if/why it was denied. If you have partial funding, let the reviewers know that as well;
  5. When identifying any financial circumstances that make the purchase of AT difficult, note those expenses that are often disability related but not taken into account by other funding sources; medications, equipment, co-pays, medical costs.

Remember, the P4P review committee knows your story only to extent you tell it on the application. To increase your chances of receiving funding, make sure you give the committee enough to go on. For more information visit or call 800-895-4728.

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