Are you using Google Docs in school or on the job?  TextHelp has released a free Google Chrome Browser app to aid people with reading and writing disabilities, Read&Write for Google Docs™.

Not to be confused with the full version of Read&Write Gold, this app provides text-to-speech and a few other features, such as Dictionary, Picture Dictionary, Fact Finder and Highlight Collector.   This app, available at the Chrome Store works with the Documents application of Google Docs, and is currently not available in Presentation, Spreadsheet, Forms, or Drawing.  After a quick installation of the app, a little toolbar appears when you start a new document and allows you to hear the any text, pasted or typed in the document, while the words are highlighted on the screen.

Read& Write for Google Docs

Besides the text reader, my two favorite features are the Picture Dictionary and Highlight Collector. When you highlight a word you do not understand, the Picture Dictionary will provide you with pictures to help you understand the word if it has them in its database.  Highlight Collector extracts the phrases and words you highlight with the Google Docs’ Text Background Color button and allows for easy insert into other documents such as a book report or your class notes.  A video by TextHelp provides a nice demonstration of this free product.  What is your favorite feature?
Picture DIctionary


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