It is no longer just textbooks, paper and pencils getting the job done in today’s classroom. Today’s tools embrace online research, word processing and electronics for learning. For children in special education, using the tools of today may require the addition of assistive technology (AT). These potential AT needs are to be considered at every individualized education planning (IEP) meeting, and should employ a systematic framework for effective decision making.  It is important to request AT devices and services based on the child’s disabilities, and then ask for the provision of devices and services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA). 

IPAT has a wealth of experience assisting schools and families in determining AT solutions. To begin understanding the fit of the IEP as a vehicle to AT funding, check out our booklet, Assistive Technology in Education. When AT is determined by the IEP team to be necessary for a student to receive a free and appropriate public education, it is time to make it part of the IEP. Once it is in the IEP, look to the school to provide the identified AT device and service. If you have questions about how to make this happen, call 800-895-4728 and we will help you with answers.

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