I have learned so much while networking with professionals around the state.  One of my favorite people to call when I have a question concerning assistive technology for someone with hearing loss is Kathy Frelich.  Kathy works as a Hearing Outreach Specialist at the ND School for the Deaf/Resource Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing.  Kathy helps adults who are hard of hearing or deaf and assists them in finding ways for them to be as independent as possible.

Below is our interview about Kathy’s role and what she loves about her job.

Contact information for ND School for the Deaf/Resource Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

V/TTY: 701.665.4400
Toll Free: 1.800.887.2980 (Restricted to ND & MN 218 only)

Email: ndsd.school@k12.nd.us

Website: www.ndsd.nd.gov

Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/NorthDakotaSchoolfortheDeafResourceCtr 

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