ergo arm support The ErgoRest arm support is an articulating ergonomic support for elbows, forearms, and wrists that may be needed because of a repetitive stress injury, an acquired disease, or general weakness in the arms. ErgoRest will support the arm and can provide a full range of motion across a keyboard. Other applications include using the ErgoRest for support while eating or reading a book. The ErgoRest comes in a standard or extra-long forearm pad and can be clamped to a table or chair that has a flat surface.


Here you can see the ErgoRest as it is placed on a workstation with the option for a mouse pad and as an added bonus check out this great list of Tips for Alleviating Hand Pain When Using a Computer by the University of Cal, Berkley.



For more information on this device contact The Comfort Keyboard Company, Inc. at:
(414) 434-1022 or visit their website at If you would like to
rent this item from IPAT, please call 800-895-4728 or email:

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