IPAT has joined two other state AT Programs in participating in an accessible voting technology project grant, funded under the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. The Research Alliance for Accessible Voting, or RAAV, was established to “advance the state of elections and voting through research, development, evaluation, dissemination, and implementation of concepts and technologies that increase access to and participation in democracy.”
In pursuing these tasks, IPAT is looking for participants, ages 18 and over, who vary in their functional limitations and would require various access features from a voting machine. We are particularly interested in working with individuals with low vision and motor challenges.
Participants will compare the AutoMark accessible voting machine with a closed circuit television, or CCTV. Through a short survey, we will gather the data necessary to determine which voting option is the best fit for individual’s needs.
If you’d like to participate, visit either the Fargo or Bismarck IPAT offices. If you have any further questions, call IPAT at 1.800.895.4728.