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Graphene and the Future of Assistive Technology

The world of assistive technology (AT) changes on a daily basis for a variety of reasons. Advancements in technology are the main reason for this and as an AT provider it’s IPAT’s job to stay on top of all the developments.  We like to provide you with the up to date...

Time to Get Up!

If you’ve got a hearing loss or have a family member who does, you may have even more difficulty with that daily dilemma of getting up in the morning. Regular alarm clocks, even the most creatively annoying, just aren’t enough help if your hearing loss is severe or...

Look to AT to Enhance Low Vision

Over 3.3 million Americans over the age of 40 have low vision. IPAT staff hears from them, their family members, and service providers frequently as they search for ways to do every-day tasks differently. When something as simple as checking the time on a watch, or...

Three More Great Tools for People with Dementia

In earlier blog posts, we discussed medication dispensers, alarms systems, and phones with picture dialing to help people in the early-moderate stages of dementia stay in their own home.  Here are a few more items to put in your toolbox! Door Murals In addition to...