Building the Future of Assistive Technology in North Dakota Schools
A Collaboration for Change: ND Assistive, NDDPI, and Educators Join Forces to grow awareness and access for AT in schools.
A Collaboration for Change: ND Assistive, NDDPI, and Educators Join Forces to grow awareness and access for AT in schools.
Your support can open up a whole new world for someone in need!
So much that goes on in the human services sector is serious and important, and don’t get me wrong, our work can be, but helping people discover what’s possible with tools, toys, gadgets, gizmos, and all the other things that define assistive technology can really be a lot of fun.
Find assistive technology resources for cooking at home including solutions for people with arthritis, limited grip strength, dexterity, fine motor issues, stamina, upper limb differences, low vision and blindness, executive dysfunction, dementia, and more.
We must invest time and energy into helping people recognize what assistive devices can do for them, and how our incredible and wise team can demonstrate how to use them.
By sharing a gift with North Dakota Assistive, you can make an impact that lasts far beyond February: you’ll be giving hope, freedom and security back to those in need across the state.
My first six months on the job at North Dakota Assistive have provided some eye-opening surprises that make it easy to come to work each and every day.
The Amazon Echo Show is a great tool to allow people to video chat with friends and family; however, it requires internet access to function. Actually, all "smart home" technology requires WIFI to work. There are many Assistive Technology (AT) devices the...
This digital world has made so many things easier for all of us. We can send and receive money with the tap of a finger, we can talk to our appliances, and we can present to a worldwide audience in seconds. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the easy. It’s...
When I said "Walking sticks are cooler than using a cane or walker," I received a confirming reaction from the crowd through smiles and nodding of heads. I was honored to be able to share lots of fun devices, gadgets, and assistive technology tools to a recent...