Older woman driving her car

Summer is fast approaching, and many of us are planning a get-away or two. With our North Dakota roads in good driving condition and sunlight lasting late into the evening, wanderlust calls. But before heading out, remember everyone has aged since last summer, and age-related changes may have impacted the ability of some to drive as safely. Thankfully there are a number of assistive technology (AT) devices that can make driving with diminished abilities possible and safe.

I found a wonderful information sheet put together by the American Automobile Association (AAA) specific to driving for seniors, Assistive Accessories for Your Car It starts with a quick checklist for positioning yourself properly, and then goes on to identify eight common assistive devices to help you keep driving safely. The devices offer possible solutions to changes in mobility, height, vision and/or dexterity. This resource can provide a great starting point for an individual, or it may serve to open a conversation about safer driving with a family member.

If you are looking for more information, you can read Vehicle Modificationsa booklet covering additional AT solutions, or if you have further questions, contact IPAT. May all your travels be safe ones.


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