Have you been looking for a simple multi-use gripping device to assist with everyday tasks such as eating, brushing your teeth, or writing?

NuMuv Products have developed the Grip-Aid.  This versatile assistive device is perfect for those with arthritis, grasp limitations due to surgery, or any other hand/finger disabilities.

The Grip-Aid is ergonomically designed to ease the pain and difficulty of holding smaller objects such as a hairbrush, eating utensils, or writing tools.  Grip-Aid makes these type of tasks easier by providing a built up grip for a more graspable area to the object to use. It is made from medical grade silicone, making it durable and easy to clean.  It is dishwasher safe and can be sterilized.

Grip-Aid holding mascara wand

Works great with makeup products.

Grip-Aid holding a thick yellow highlighter

Works great with a thick highlighter pen.






Additionally, Grip-Aid’s compact size and universal usage makes it an ideal assistive device to have around the house or to have on the go. The NuMuv Company has a disclaimer that the Grip-Aid will not securely hold all objects equally because of the variance in size of the objects used.

To use the Grip-Aid, all you have to do is squeeze the side to make the opening larger, insert the object of your choice into the Grip Aid, grasp however it is comfortable, and begin use!  It’s that simple!

The Grip-Aid costs $12 each or you can get 3 for $30 with free shipping.  To learn more about the Grip-Aid and NuMuv Products visit:  www.numuvproducts.com

Contact Assistive to explore this assistive device or other devices for limited hand mobility at 800-895-4728 or visit Assistive on the web www.ndassistive.org

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