Of all the assistive technology devices available, medication dispensers may be the area that can have the greatest impact on a person’s choice of residence. In some cases it may mean the difference between living at home and moving to a skilled care facility. The choices are varied and we’ve talked about medication dispensers before (Need a Medication Reminder?)   But there are many others to fit a person’s needs.

A portable option for individuals on the go is the e-pill Pocket Pill Box.  This medication pillbox allows an individual to set up to four alarms per day. The notification settings include; beep, vibrate, and beep + vibrate. The vibrate feature makes the option of keeping the alarm unknown to others possible. The other great feature is the fact that the pills are housed in the back side of the device. When the alarm goes off, the alarm number is clearly displayed and the individual takes the medication out of the corresponding section.

The ability to put the e-pill Pocket Pill Box in your pocket or purse makes this a great option for those that need a medication reminder while still being able to stay active. Check out all of the medication devices available at one of IPAT’s demonstration centers or get a hold of us to discuss the needs that you, a loved one, or someone you care for have.

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