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Did You Miss It? AT Equipment Round-Up.

I browse and read various blogs on a daily basis. Often times, I am skimming through posts to see if something in the content pops out at me. If it doesn’t, I move on.  I go back to those same blogs days or months later to see what has been written and often...

BridgingApps Helps You Find The Right App

Mobile Technology is all around us. If you are an assistive technology user or provider you definitely know the power of applications. The big question, even for those in the know, is how to find the right app. In the past your options were to search the respective...

Proloquo4Text = Speak Out Loud Success

AssistiveWare is best known for Proloquo2Go, which most in the assistive technology world give credit for making mobile devices a viable option for those needing an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) solution. Proloquo4text is another offering from...