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InstaMorph: Make Your Own AT!

Assistive technology (AT) is defined as, "Any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a person with a disability."...

Don’t Miss IPAT!

Pull out your cell phone or paper calendar! Make yourself a note to visit with IPAT on February 18th between 9 am and 2 pm at the State capitol, in the Legislative Hall. Come discover AT for remaining home, staying at work, and succeeding at school when abilities...

Don’t Miss IPAT!

Pull out your cell phone or paper calendar! Make yourself a note to visit with IPAT on February 18th between 9 am and 2 pm at the State capitol, in the Legislative Hall. Come discover AT for remaining home, staying at work, and succeeding at school when abilities...

New IPAT Staff

Hello! My name is Tyler, and it's a pleasure to join the IPAT staff as an Assistive Technology Consultant. Prior to joining IPAT, I have worked in a variety of educational settings including online credit recovery at an alternative high school, a juvenile...

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