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100% of Donations go to Recipients!!

I realize that saying 100% of all donations to Pedaling for Possibilities goes to individuals is a bold claim! But IPAT makes it happen. If you want to know more about how this program allows those who are aging or have a disability get technology to help them...

Possibilities are Just a Push Away!

There is still time to be an IPAT Possibility Maker!!  Below are three ways to donate and change a life! PUSH the button to donate online to support IPAT Pedaling for Possibilities! Go to the donation page.   PUSH open the door to IPAT before 5 pm tomorrow, Friday,...

Hang-up Already!

I have received a rash of calls lately from frantic family members. What is making them frantic? It is their parents, who after placing or answering a phone call, forget to hang-up their phone, or place it in the cradle incorrectly. Why is this frenzy producing?...

Ruth Shares Her P4P Success Story

  Pedaling for Possibilities (P4P) recipient Ruth Barnes shares her story. "I live in Grand Forks, North Dakota.  I have spinal stenosis which causes me a lot of lower back pain.  That stenosis is now going into my neck as well.  Before I received my lift...

AT for Hearing the Television

  Difficulty hearing the television is frustrating! Muffled words, missing dialogue, or straining to hear are just a few of many annoying problems that occur when individuals can't hear the television. Turning the volume up can sometimes fix the issue, but may...

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