by Jeannie Krull | Oct 29, 2015 | Uncategorized
Today’s blog is the last in a 4-part series of Visual Schedule and Task Manager Apps for people with Autism and other disabilities. Today we will discuss the First Then Schedule and the Time Timer Apps and software. All of the apps discussed are excellent...
by Mike Chaussee | Oct 27, 2015 | Uncategorized
Tools used to create art and assistive technology (AT) have a lot in common! Tools for art and AT are both purchasable from a store, easily modified, customizable, or something that can be made from scratch. Just because an art tool or piece of AT was developed for...
by Mike Chaussee | Oct 22, 2015 | Uncategorized
IPAT often fields calls from individuals looking for a place to donate used hearing aids. This blog provides a non-exhaustive list of organizations that recycle used hearing aids in North Dakota. HERO (Healthcare Equipment Recycling Organization – 5212 53rd...
by Mike Chaussee | Oct 19, 2015 | Uncategorized
How Might I Benefit from the Use of a Tablet? Tablet is a broad term for devices like the iPad, iPad mini, Nexus, and Galaxy Tab. A tablet can be used as an assistive technology (AT) tool to communicate, read, learn, navigate the world, identify objects, remember,...
by Mike Chaussee | Oct 12, 2015 | Uncategorized
IPAT had the privilege of presenting at the National Federation of the Blind of North Dakota (NFBND) state convention on September 19th. Also attending the event were representatives from the ND State Library, ND Department of Human Services, and the ND School for the...