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Beat the Dizzies with AT

Taking prescription medication is part of everyday life for 34% of American adults. Unfortunately, a common side effect of medication is dizziness, which can lead to falls and sometimes result in hospitalizations. This was the scenario experienced by an elderly...

Time to Get Up!

If you’ve got a hearing loss or have a family member who does, you may have even more difficulty with that daily dilemma of getting up in the morning. Regular alarm clocks, even the most creatively annoying, just aren’t enough help if your hearing loss is severe or...

Look to AT to Enhance Low Vision

Over 3.3 million Americans over the age of 40 have low vision. IPAT staff hears from them, their family members, and service providers frequently as they search for ways to do every-day tasks differently. When something as simple as checking the time on a watch, or...

Vehicle to AT Funding – the IEP!

It is no longer just textbooks, paper and pencils getting the job done in today’s classroom. Today's tools embrace online research, word processing and electronics for learning. For children in special education, using the tools of today may require the addition of...

Preventing Bathroom Falls

  Last week I had the opportunity to interact with a group of seniors who have been participating in the Stepping On program sponsored by the NDSU Extension Service and the First Lutheran Church in Fargo. This workshop is designed to help older adults learn...

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