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Reading Again, Thanks ND Lions!

In July of 2010, Lions Club International approved a Video Magnifier Program to be run by the Lions of North Dakota.  This program is giving state residents over the age of 18 a chance to read again. It is specifically designed to help those with a vision loss that...

Stay Focused with 30/30

Is multi-tasking making you feel like you are the star in a pinball game that just won't end? Well usually I can handle it, but these last few weeks, I felt the need to find something to help me focus. So the winner in my Google search for sanity was the 30/30 app...

2014 Race Day Recap!

What a time we had! February 8th found IPAT staff, community volunteers, bike teams and individual riders coming together for fun, competition and fund-raising at the North Dakota State University Wellness Center. It was all happening for our 4th annual Pedaling...

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