Get Your Head Out of Your Apple: Try Android Action Blocks!
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Apple iOS products and will most likely continue to love them and what they do for people with disabilities. That does not mean, however, that I am going to overlook other devices or operating systems that also have amazing features, like...
Safety First: Helping Loved Ones At Home
There were tears in our office today. Some of sadness, and some of joy. It happens quite often at North Dakota Assistive. Family members hear about us and about our consultants’ abilities to find the right assistive technology to help their loved ones remain...
Alexa Makes It Possible For Those With Hearing Loss
Individuals who have a hearing impairment may struggle with Amazon Alexa’s responses, music, videos and calls. The good news is that Alexa does have a few options and tools that can help work around an individual’s hearing loss. The Alexa and the Alexa app come...
Easy to Use Hands-Free Smart Display for Seniors
This past year we’ve learned about and shared several different types of video technology and smart displays to help individuals communicate and stay in touch with their loved ones when they cannot see them in person. Recently I learned about another form of video...
Helping Seniors Engage in the Power of Technology
Since the pandemic started a year ago, many of us have been seeking out new ways to connect with our loved one’s while being separated. For many, this meant introducing technology to seniors for a visual connection to their family, friends, and doctors. ...
New Discounts for Internet: Connecting with Loved Ones will Soon Be Cheaper!
FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit logo Getting connected to the internet has never been more imperative than it is today due to the Pandemic, especially for those that are separated from loved ones. However, for some, the cost of broadband internet services is either...
He Likes It! But it Took Our Short-Term Loan to Find Out
Tami and Delbert working through assistive technology options. Remember that TV ad for Life cereal? The one where Mikey doesn’t like anything? At the end of the ad, Mikey eventually tries the cereal and discovers he likes it. (full disclosure: my name is Mike so...
The Search for Solutions Made Easier
When Delbert and Peggy visited our HomeFirst center a couple of weeks ago, it really struck me how dramatic hearing loss can be, not only for the person affected by it, but for those living with that person. Peggy, who hears quite well, grew frustrated throughout...
Turning on Captions, on your Echo Show, Easy as 1,2,3
Through our Specialized Telephone Program, we are able to provide Amazon's Echo Show, which helps people to connect with their loved ones. To enable Call Captioning, Closed Captioning, or Alexa Captioning for text captions when available, follow these simple...
A Little Assistive Technology Goes a Long Way
I recently had the pleasure of working with a woman from North Dakota in her early 70s who visited North Dakota Assistive to find some things to help her in her daily life. She had visited us several years ago and had thought that we might have something to help...
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