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The C-Pen Exam Reader pen scanner is a great tool for individuals who comprehend more successfully when their exam questions are read to them. Students who have reading difficulties can independently take exams knowing that they can read and understand the...

Let’s Go to Camp!

Everyone wants to go to summer camp, including children and adults with disabilities.  But where can they go? Elks Camp Grassick is one choice for camping fun in the summer. This camp has been owned and operated by the Elks of North Dakota for over 50 years. It's...

Gardening With Ease

Summer is officially here!  When you think of summer, one activity that comes to mind is gardening.  But for some individuals gardening can be difficult due to aging, injury or disease. The following is just a few of the adaptive gardening tools available to...

VR-Transition Program Update

If you are, or you know, a student or family member who is a ND high school student with disabilities age 14-21, this update is for you! This past year, an increasing number of ND high school students with physical, sensory, intellectual, mental and communication...

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