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Vehicle to AT Funding – the IEP!

It is no longer just textbooks, paper and pencils getting the job done in today’s classroom. Today's tools embrace online research, word processing and electronics for learning. For children in special education, using the tools of today may require the addition of...

Preventing Bathroom Falls

  Last week I had the opportunity to interact with a group of seniors who have been participating in the Stepping On program sponsored by the NDSU Extension Service and the First Lutheran Church in Fargo. This workshop is designed to help older adults learn...

Game On!

A little over two years ago IPAT was contacted by a young man looking for assistance in funding a custom built controller he could use to play video games on his PlayStation. He’d already learned enough about accessible gaming to know that Broadened Horizons, Inc....

Personal Amplifiers for Hearing Loss

The Center for Hearing and Communication estimates that 38 million Americans have a significant hearing loss. This makes everyday activities like watching TV or talking with friends and family difficult. There are assistive technology options for someone with...

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