Is there a Portable, Affordable Option for Text-to-Speech for Someone with a Reading Disability?
A few years back a gentleman with a reading disability came to IPAT, needing some way to read the manuals, parts boxes, forms and signage in the shop where he was going to work after graduating from college. He was already making use of text-to-speech (TTS)...
Need a Medication Reminder?
"Is there something out there that would help my (mother, grandpa, son, friend) remember to take their medication? " This is a question that IPAT staff fields frequently, and thankfully our response is a resounding YES. One of our go-to devices is the MedReady....
The Replacements? Apps vs. Dedicated Talking Identifiers for Vision Loss
In our IPAT Centers, we have dedicated talking identifiers for money, colors, and UPC barcodes that can help people with vision loss that, for the most part, work extremely well. However, these devices basically do one thing, cost between $140-$1300, and are...
Bathtub Water Level Alarms
Bathtub and shower safety is a major concern for older adults. Numerous studies have shown that many independently bathing older adults without cognitive impairments do have trouble or are unsafe getting into and out of the tub or shower stall. Add in the dimension...
Control an Android Tablet With Your Head
AT for computer access boils down to an individual unable to use a standard mouse or keyboard to interact and manipulate the computer interface. There can be many reasons for this, an accident, a repetitive stress injury, or an acquired disease to name a few. There...
Text-to-speech for iOS….Pinned!
I have to admit that out of all of the social media outlets available, Pinterest had not yet captured my interest (a saying that is probably cliché by now). However, I was recently doing some research with Google on apps for reading with speech output and came...
Simple 911 Access Always
Scenario one - you are in trouble. The power is out, your land line is down and your cell phone needs a charge, how are you going to call 911? Scenario two - your parents are aging, living alone, and get confused using a standard cell phone. How can they quickly...
Comparing Communication Apps Made Simple
The explosion of applications to help people without a voice communicate using an iPhone or iPad can leave you feeling shell-shocked. To help you get a handle on the multitude of apps and move you toward systematically selecting the right AAC application, Jane...
How to Select the Right AT the First Time
Is there anything more frustrating than purchasing an item that does not do what you thought it would? Sadly, assistive technology (AT) device purchases often end up in that frustrating category, and as a result are not valued or used. In an effort to help you...
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