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40 Years of Assistive Technology: So Many Innovations, So Many More Future Opportunities!

Although the development of assistive technology (AT) started much earlier, the field of AT, in my opinion, did not really come into the public eye until the 80s, which is when I first learned about it in college.  The year 2020 marks the 32nd anniversary of the...

In Spite of COVID-19 We Are Still Here!

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has had a major effect on individuals and businesses everywhere.    Now that social distancing has been implemented, we have had to change the way we go about our day-to-day procedures and activities.  Many businesses have had to close their...

Which iPad App to Use?

Using electronic applications “apps” on an iPad can be a great solution for a student who needs additional support in their educational journey.  Educational apps can provide an ideal transition from school to home, promoting greater learning.  However, searching...

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