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What Do I Do With This AT!?

Are you in a situation where you have perfectly good assistive technology (AT) that you don’t need - you can’t bear the thought of throwing it away, but also want to make sure it is given to someone who could really use it? Maybe a loved one passed away leaving...

Assistive Technology for the Kitchen

IPAT has been in the process of creating a Home First Showroom, in the Fargo Office, to display Assistive Technology (AT) in the natural environment.  Recently, the kitchen cabinets and countertops were installed which inspired me to highlight a few of the AT items...

Aging at Home Sweet Home

Do you know that one third of American households are home to one or more residents 60 years or older? It is a good news/bad news story - the good news, Americans are living longer; the bad news, Americans are living longer. What makes it bad news is the fact that...

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